Windows Diskless Install

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Diskless WorkstationsWindows Diskless Install

Hi, I’m researching the possibility to run a diskless windows 7 client, but find no good info on my situation, thus here I am hoping for help. Here’s what I want to accomplish: • I have a handful clients that need to run Windows 7 embedded. • I need these clients to be without persistent storage because of various reasons. • Once booted the machines shall not be dependent on any remote server or file area. • The clients will run 24/7 and are mission critical so a stable solution is necessary.

I’ve been researching PXE, but it seems there only ways to get that working in a windows environment is by using various tricks and create a rather hacky solution, and I cannot determine if that is a really a workable solution. Another option could be to use a VHD downloaded either from a server or from a read-only USB connected to the computer, but I cannot find good information on if that is reasonable solution. Can anyone help shed some light on this, or point me in direction to continue searching for an answer? Danielagren wrote: My impression is that a thin client application won't work because of the recuirement for the client to be independent of any remote server or file system once booted. Using a standard Windows 7 might also be an alternative, the important part is the diskless running. Money is not really a factor, as far as such a thing can ever be said:) How can you not have data saved to the users device if they are detached from the server.

This is literally impossible. Either the data is on a server, or the user device (often both places) but since you want to avoid the latter you need to find a way to restrict data on the device. So you have 1 other option which is a VDI and VPN configuration. You users connect to a VPN and then RDP into their VDI which keeps all of their data, email, etc. So to give another example of what you are saying is you want Schrodinger's Cat. Is the cat alive, or is it dead? Is it on the user device or is it not?

Over-the-network Windows 10 installation into iSCSI LUN - posted in Boot from LAN: I have figured out how to install Windows 10 directly into iSCSI LUNs for diskless. Download Beocord 7000 Service Manual.

The only way to know it's not on the user device is to ensure there is no way to save the data to the user device. Which means you have to configure a VDI infrastructure. This way I could walk in and steal a laptop from your offices and have nothing but hardware.

If you want to run Windows 98 diskless you have to install a minimised version of it on a reference PC with a harddisk first. Rpg Maker Vx Abs Script there. Kodak Retina Reflex Repair Manual. This minimised version will later be used as the reference. This reference installation will be packed in archives and put on the server, off which the diskless PC will download it at bootime. May 03, 2011 This feature helps deploy diskless boot for servers running Windows. The Windows Storage Server. Target but Windows won’t let me install to.

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