Hakuouki Shinsengumi Game
Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan Type: Plot Summary: The protagonist, Yukimura Chizuru is the daughter of a doctor who works in Edo. The father leaves Edo to work as a volunteer doctor and moves to Kyoto without his daughter. As time passes by, Chizuru starts worrying about losing contact with her father, so she decides to go to Kyoto in search of him. On the way, Chizuru is attacked by few criminals and witnesses a fight between an oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody and saving her, the Shinsengumi debate on what to do with Chizuru when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor they are also looking for. So they decide to become Chizuru’s protectors and help her look for her father. Lots of events happen while she stays with the Shingensumi, as they discover mysterious secrets and also fight against the Bakumatsu group. Wilcom Es Designer 2006 With Crack For Windows 7 on this page.
Genre: Released: 2014 Status: Completed. Technomate Tm 1000 Patch - Download Free Apps.
The listing actually has a rather nice list with all of this information, though I know it can be a little confusing to look at, it’s pretty accurate. There was also a really nice post floating around about 2-3 years ago that specified what English games related to which Japanese titles but for the life of me I can’t find it and it’s probably buried somewhere in my mess of a blog. Anyway, I’m going to try to recall what I remember, so here’s what we have: Hakuōki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom Localized version of Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan, which was released for the PlayStation Portable on February 14, 2012.
Otome Game Review: Hakuoki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~ So after being incredibly late on the bandwagon. I couldn’t help but grin when I saw your Hakuouki post. Hakuoki is a popular visual novel series published by Aksys Games. Follow Chizuru and the legendary Shinsengumi as they travel Japan and battle deadly furies.
Hakuōki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi Localized version of Hakuouki: Bakumatsu Musouroku, which was released for the PlayStation Portable on February 19, 2013. Hakuōki: Memories of the Shinsengumi Localized version of Hakuouki: Zuisouroku, which was released for the Nintendo 3DS on September 19, 2013.
Hakuōki: Stories of the Shinsengumi Localized version of Hakuouki: Junsouroku, which was released for the PlayStation 3 on May 6, 2014. Note: Junsouroku is the combination of Shinsengumi Kitan and Zuisouroku. Hakuōki: Kyoto Winds Localized version of Hakuouki Shinkai: Kaze no Shou which was only released on PlayStation Vita on May 15, 2017. All dates listed are North American release dates, I apologize I’m not certain on when all the games were released in Europe outside of Kyoto Winds. Looking at all the Japanese releases is probably the most confusing thing though so it’s no wonder people get lost. Even I still haven’t gotten it all down honestly (so please don’t call me an expert ^^;;; I’m not even close), but you have to keep in mind things have been repackaged, combined, and/or ported to different systems frequently since Hakuouki first debuted in 2008. And each time they’ve tried to add a little something new to entice fans into buying the new versions, but at this point if you have a Vita you have access to basically everything you need either English or Japanese, as far as physical copies (not downloads) go.
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