Delphi And Windows Vista User Account Control

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Hi Gilloz, The UAC elevation mechanism uses the HWND as part of determining whether the elevation is a background or foreground elevation. Decimal Degree Converter Software. However, some foreground applications currently prompt as background applications on Windows Vista.

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This behavior is the result of an absent parent HWND. If the application is determined to be a background application, the elevation is placed on the taskbar as a blinking button. The user must click on the button, as with any application requesting foreground access, before the elevation will continue. Not passing the HWND will result in this occurring even though the application might actually have foreground. It is also true that UAC prompts will not “steal focus” from the user’s task. If the operating system cannot determine that the prompt was generated from the foreground window the current user is using, we will alert the user with a highlighted operation in the taskbar that an application is requesting elevated privileges. The user can select to elevate at his or her convenience and not be disrupted by an unplanned application elevation.

Use the HWND Property to Be Acknowledged as a Foreground Application So, may I know if the UAC prompt minimizes to taskbar on opening all the applications or with only few applications. • Did you try to run the program in administrator mode to check if that shows the UAC prompt on the desktop and not on the taskbar?

User Account Control. New Technologies for Windows Vista Installer Detection User Interface Privilege Isolation Virtualization Access Token Split during.

Right click on the Program (For ex: Adobe) and click on run as administrator. • Did you try creating a new account to check if that does the same while executing applications? How to use User Account in Windows Vista Hope this information is helpful. Mouneshwar R – Microsoft Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think [If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the 'Mark as Answer' or 'Helpful' button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.].

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