Decimal Degree Converter Software

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GPS coordinates converter This tool is all about GPS coordinates conversion. Acer Ring Software. As soon as you modify one end of the data (either the decimal or sexagesimal degrees coordinates), the other end is simultaneously updated, as well as the position on the map. The GPS coordinates are presented in the infowindow in an easy to copy and paste format.

You can also start to convert latitude and longitude by clicking on the map, which will pre-fill the fields with the GPS coordinates of the location you clicked on. Rumo Walter Moers Rapidshare Programs. In any case, the address will not be geocoded automatically. If you want to convert the GPS coordinates into an address, you have to click on the button 'Get Address' below the decimal coordinates.

The range of longitude (E or W) is -180 to 180, so 3 digits The range of latitude (N or S) is -90 to 90, so 2 digits Take 'W00208.172', take the first 3 digits and store it to degress: deg = 002 Then take the rest as decimal minutes: min = 08.172 Now convert to decimal degrees (DEG): decDegrees = deg + min / 60.0 Same for latitude: except that degrees are now only 2 digits N1046.977: Take 10 degrees, and 46.977 minutes. For both think if you want to keep the 'W' symbol: Often it is better to mutiply with -1 in case of of 'W' or 'S', do this as last step in your conversion! Negative decimal degrees means W (for longitude) or S (for latitude). For your provides coordinates that means: lat: North 10046.977 = 10 + 46.977 / 60 = 10.78295; lon: (2 + 8.172 / 60) * -1 = -2.1362; so that location should be in Burkina Faso, 15m near a road (= plausible) 5,52 km south east east of Dununuai. So I was looking for a lazy answer and wasn't happy so gonna put here what I made in the end: Wanting to convert between these two formats: 33°59'05.5'S 22°39'42.7'E and -33.9846 The left being 'Degrees Minutes Seconds' and the right being 'Decimal' Of course I have to make some assumptions so they are that it assumes your are following the above formats exactly.

Decimal To DegreesDecimal Degree Format

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