Change Serial Battle For Middle Earth
Can the serial number for lord of the rings battle for middle earth be changed? Merlin Prolift 230t Garage Door Opener Manual. I usually just change the last letter on the serial number.
Best Answer: You have to reinstall it if you want to change it. Here are some codes for The Lord Of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth I: 1E4C-5P79-3187-65BA-0DEV 5TBB-SUKR-5658-H243-CDEV 2RAA-L72A-EC1B-U094-JDEV 4C55-E8LE-9O74-K217-6DEV AE8Y-ZHFL-JI3B-A09E-CDEV FBTT-7G8Z-2HPR-7WC5-KXMH HCGY-Z6FY-GNHJ-SGHJ-0HLM HCGY-Z6FY-GNHJ-SGHJ-0HLM DZDD-8NF6-4DBH-YDFB-0HLM FEEW-W94S-6DF5-UB46-0HLM TLV5-VGG9-DFDF-RFFF-0HLM T7GQ-LZEX-FGHF-PFFF-0HLM You have to have 2 different codes on 2 different computer if you want to play multiplayer.
I'm the worlds biggest TLOTR fan, happy to help other fans:) Great game. Go to the start menu, then to go to 'run' (in vista you just type 'run' into the search bar and press enter). Once 'run' has opened, type 'regedit' and press enter, a new window should open, on the left there should be a list of the main windows registries. Double click on the one called 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', it should then expand to reveal 6 sub-headings, double click on 'SOFTWARE'. In the next list that opens double click on 'Wow6432NODE' (it should be at the bottom), you should now be seeing what basically looks like your program files just listed out in alphabetical order. So double click on Electronic Arts, then on 'the battle for middle-earth'; hopefully you should see a folder in it called 'ergc' or something similar, double click on that, and in the right hand half of the windo you should hopefully see a single file (probably called '(default)', that is where it keeps your serial number, so now its a simple matter of right clicking on it, and pressing 'modify' you can then edit it; i usually just change the last letter on the serial number. The game should now accept it as having a different key to your bros' installations.
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