Tcp Ip Test Server

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How To Dupe Items On A Server 1.1.0

TCP/IP Test Server is a comprehensive testing tool that allows socket programmers to develop client side applications that open sockets and communicate with this server. The server allows the programmer to: (1) Specify multiple IP Addresses and Ports to listen upon. (2) Control the connection including forcing a disconnection. TCP Test Tool is a TCP testing application that provides the ability to both initiate and capture TCP packets from any PC to or from any PC, server, or IP device.

Gta In Mcpe Server

Tridiumcontrols: I know I need to use JSON to achieve that Not strictly true, My first port of call would be to post it to a socket on emonHub, I assume you have a string of values in your result. That can easily be sent directly to emonhub via socket. Then on receipt, emonhub can then allocate a timestamp and/or nodeid as required, and then take care of parsing for sending to emoncms. Depending on the format of the data you may find emonhub’s “datacodes” useful to parse the data and other features may prove useful too The socket interfacer in emonhub is specifically there for hacking and tacking on scripts like this as a one-of or as a prototyping input before creating a bespoke emonhub interfacer. If you want to send to directly from the one script, then JSON is the way to go. So I have been tinkering around with python, have learned quite a bit, but now im stuck again, and getting an error. Here’s the code I used.

Same code as my original post, but added the httplib. Tridiumcontrols: # Create csv string csv = “,”.join('reg ad #0 to 9: '+str(regs)) Won’t give you numeric CSV because you are effectively saying csv = “,”.join(“reg ad #0 to 9: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5253, 5267, 0, 0, 0]”) which will probably give you something like reg, ad, #0, to, 9:, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5253, 5267, 0, 0, 0], Even the numeric values will be taken as text due to the double comma. You can either remove the square brackets from the string regs using csv = str(regs)[1:-1] or the better way is to use join as you have done, but on the list elements not the list as a string. Csv = “,”.join(regs) I haven’t tested either of these so forgive me if I’ve made any errors, but hopefully it’s enough to help get you sorted.

I was going to adapt your script for posting to an emonHub socket, but I will wait to see how you get on with this, if this is the way you prefer to go. Thx for the response I have dumbed it down to only 1 modbus register and it posts to emoncms and works as expected, Can you assist me with getting a list and posting that list of values from 42 registers and post them to emoncms?

Registers are sequential from 1-42 registers. Im unsure how to go about creating a list and converting that list to csv and getting it posted to emoncms. Heres the code I used to get 1 register to post successfully on emoncms. Still getting same Error, /emoncms/input/post.json?apikey=43b84401f6dad8a43effxz0ec754716a1&node=10&csv=1, 40, 30, 50, 26214 Error: Format error: csv value is not numeric /emoncms/input/post.json?apikey=43b84401f6dad8a1056gfdxec754716a1&node=10&csv=1, 40, 30, 50, 26214 Error: Format error: csv value is not numeric ^CTraceback (most recent call last): File '', line 80, in time.sleep(3) KeyboardInterrupt emoncms@SKUbuntu:~/pyModbusTCP/examples$ I would like to checkout emonhub Paul, not much documentation is available, can you guide me in the right direction?

EDIT: Whats odd, is I copied and pasted the url python used to send the data 40, 30, 50, 26214 and it worked, it posted the data, and works as expected, could it be the httplib in python? Doesnt covert the spaces to%20? Or not sure why it causes issue. I used firefox for this, works as expected. But i would like to persue emonhub instead. I will take a look at sending to a socket for you tomorrow, there is a guide to, but most of that will not apply to you as you are not using serial or RFM, and using sockets isn’t covered there.

Try searching the forums (incl the old forum) for “Socket Interfacer” or I will find some links for you tomorrow. Chorg`er( (1).exe here. In the mean time if you want to try using “join” on the CSV you may be able to confirm your suspicions, as it should provide a space free CSV string, I was pretty confident emoncms wasn’t fussy about the spaces and your use of the url in a browser seems to confirm that.

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