Lashing And Securing Of Deck Cargoes Pdf

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Cargo Lashing Strap

Facebook Page Likes Generator more. Lashing and securing deck cargoes • 1. UK P&I CLUBCarefully to Carry SEPTEMBER 2006Lashing and securing deckcargoes “The carrier shall properly and carefullyFor the purposes of this article, the reader’s attention is drawn to the load, handle,requirements of the IMO Cargo Securing Manual Regulations and the IMO stow, carry,Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing. Keep, care for and discharge the goodsThe IMO cargo securing manual carried.”Regulations VI/5 and VII/6 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention require cargo Hague Rules,units and cargo transport units to be loaded, stowed and secured Articles iii, Rule 2throughout the voyage in accordance with the cargo securing manual(CSM) approved by the administration and drawn up to a standard at leastequivalent to the guidelines developed by the International Maritime Carefully to CarryOrganization (IMO).

Code of safe practice for ships carrying timber deck cargoes. Eneral recommendations on stowage and securing of timber deck cargoes. 5.6 lashing plans.

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