How To Install Emc Powerpath On Solaris 11 Change
Oracle Solaris 11.3 is a new version of Oracle Solaris. We will install local repository and install EIS. First you need to download the Local repository from oracle OTN Page. Next use the script download from OTN to make a single repository ISO. Total procedure will be complete in three steps Work with EIS DVD 1, Repo, EIS DVD 2. EIS DVD 1: First Mount EIS DVD Part 1: Firstly you need to upload the eis-dvd1.iso file to system. You can use WinSCP or Filezilla file transfer software.
To non-global zones is provided in the PowerPath 5.x Installation. Refer to EMC Host Connectivity Guide for Oracle Solaris. The EMC PowerPath. Step 1-Download the trial package from (for SOLARIS 11 SPARC host). Chanakya Arthashastra Pdf English. PowerPath for Solaris Installation and Administration Guide 5.5.
Make sure that you are using root user. If it is not possible with root user, then you need to change the permission of ISO file. Flip Boom All Star Full Version more. Root@solaris1:~# mount -F hsfs /var/tmp/eis-dvd1.iso /mnt After that run Setup Standard: After mount the ISO file. Here I have mount the iso to /mnt. In your case that could be different.
Under those circumstances change directory to that location. Root@solaris1:# cd /mnt/sun/install root@solaris1:/mnt/sun/install#. Process Monitor 64 Bit For Windows 7 Download. / However, script will ask some question. Answer it according. At the same time, put your system information and your requirement.
Note: /root/.profile was created – please check/edit this file!! Alternative: to test beforehand enter.
/root/.profile setup-standard completed. Root@solaris1:# exit Finally with EIS DVD 1, re-login and unmount the EIS-DVD part 1: Though we are done with EIS-DVD 1. Now we can unmounted it. Root@solaris1:/# umount /mnt Solaris 11.3 Repository: Now mount the Solaris 11.3 Repository: Now upload the Solaris 11.3 repository. Which was download from OTN page.
In the same fashion, mount the Solaris 11.3 repository. Root@solaris1:/var/tmp# mount -F hsfs /var/tmp/sol-11_3-repo.iso /mnt On your case repository will not be in single ISO file. To create single ISO file please follow oracle documentation on Solaris 11.3 download page. Create the ZFS dataset for repo: Now you need to create the ZFS data set. This will be used for repository. Root@solaris1:/# zfs create -o atime=off -o compression=on rpool/export/repoSolaris11 Run Resync: As you have create the ZFS data set for repository. Next you need to run the rsync operation.
Root@solaris1:/# rsync -aP /mnt/repo/ /export/repoSolaris11 Wait until rsync operation complete. Repository Refresh: Now run pkgrepo with below parameter. To refresh the publisher.
Root@solaris1 # pkgrepo -s /export/repoSolaris11 refresh Then Set Publisher: Then set the publisher. Use pkg set-publisher command to set the publisher. Root@solaris1 # pkg set-publisher -G ‘*’ -g /export/repoSolaris11/ solaris root@solaris1 # pkg publisher PUBLISHER TYPE STATUS P LOCATION solaris origin online F file:///export/repoSolaris11/ EIS DVD 2: Mount the EIS-DVD Part 2: root@solaris1 # mkdir /mnt1 root@solaris1 # mount -F hsfs /var/tmp/eis-dvd2.iso /mnt1 Unzip the SRU: root@solaris1 # cd /mnt1/sun2/ root@solaris1 # copy-sru2disk -extract -q The system is installed with Solaris 11.3. Unzipping completed. Set Publisher for SRU: root@solaris1 # pkg set-publisher -g file:/export/home/SRU/ solaris root@solaris1 # pkg publisher PUBLISHER TYPE STATUS P LOCATION solaris origin online F file:///export/home/SRU/ solaris origin online F file:///export/repoSolaris11/ Then you need to Check the Repo is working you can install Solaris Desktop: root@solaris1 # pkg install solaris-desktop Finally Reboot the System: root@solaris1 # init 6.
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