English Placement Test Printable With Key

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Level Test (with answers) Please choose one option for each question. Then click 'Test Result' to obtain your on-line result and level. Caviar in the fridge.

English Placement Test Printable With Key

This placement test is. Students’ knowledge of the key. © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE Solutions 2nd edition Placement test Placement.

There isn’t no B. There is any C. There isn’t any D. There aren’t no 2. Always he arrives at 2:30 B. He arrives at always 2:30 C.

He always arrives at 2:30 D. He always at 2:30 arrives 3. Fly to Stockholm tomorrow. Is going to D. I have Flamenco classes A. On Saturday afternoons B. In Saturday afternoons C.

At Saturday afternoons D. By Saturday afternoons 5. David is the boss, you need to speak to.

I wanted an orange car, but they only had. Pcb Wizard Crack there. We have to go to the supermarket. Some bread and milk.

For getting B. To getting D.

For to get 8. I’ve lost my passport. I can’t find it. Every year,he goes to the coast for his holidays. With train 10.

Which pen do you want? A one blue B. The blue one. Suddenly, we heard a loud noise, but outside, there.there! Was nobody B.

Is anybody C. Wasn't nobody D. Was somebody 12. He says he's been robbed. He can't find his wallet.

Not anywhere. We haven’t got. Mineral water. What’s like the weather? How’s the weather? What’s the weather like? How the weather is?

Breakfast yesterday A. Didn’t have got D. Didn’t have 16. The room was empty. Wasn’t nobody B.

Was anybody C. Was nobody D. Was somebody 17. I’ve lost my keys. I can’t find them.

We're really looking forward. That's for babies! My mother asked me if I was hungry, But I said that I. Had already got B. Had already had C. Have already had D.

Already had 21. You live upstairs from me.. Micheal.for the Bank since last year. Has worked C.

I told him that he come home at once. I told he come home at once. I told him to come home at once. I itold,'come home at once!' Have you made supper.? Elizabeth to go to the hospital A. Telling to 26.

“.have they been living in Paris?” “Only a few months” A. How long time C. For how long 27.

How To Play Android Games On Pc Using Youwave. My friends asked me to go to the cinema, But I said that I the movie. Had already been B. Had already saw C.

Had already seen D. Already saw 28.

I haven’t had lunch with my mother. Spectators at the match. Weren't no C. He works at the theatre.

I told her what she closed the window. I told her to close the window. I told she close the window.

I told her that she close the window. Jane to do it at this very moment. Telling to 34.

They weren’t surprised and nor. I'm catching an early flight tomorrow, so I.drink too much champagne! Have had to 36. What have I done with my wallet?

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