Dead Rising 2 Game Save Editor Xbox 360
Click to expand.Put it as plugin 1, for whatever dashlaunch you have. Make sure you installed the full version of Microsoft Visual studio 2008 or 2010 installed. Then make sure you have XDK aka xbox 360 neighborhood, installed on your desktop/laptop/pc the FULL INSTALLATION, not the minimum. Sometimes you dont always need the full intsallation of visual studio to make xdk work.
Componente Pdf Delphi 7 on this page. Jan 22, 2016 Xbox 360 Modding Tools escort, Dead Rising - Save Editor v1.1.1.0, escort in Xbox 360 Modding Tools.
But it is recommended. Now after thats finished open xdk *neighborhood* and add a console, make sure your modified console is connected to the internet via wifi or to the router directly.
Now on xdk in the add console text box, put jtag or your console ip, try both if one doesnt work. Now it should add it, if it doesnt reset your router and xbox. If still doesnt work idk what is wrong and i can help you no further.
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