Compusoft Winner Kitchen Design Software
Nov 08, 2017 Winner Design is a wonderful sales tool for kitchen retailers. The fully integrated system with all components running on a common database and always. Compusoft provides design solutions for the kitchen and bathroom industry. Our applications boost your sales, communication, management, web and business.
I've had a play this weekend and I'm not sure if it is the right product at the moment. I hope I'm wrong but the way the catalogs are organised might not suit the market I'm in. I use one cabinet manufacturer combined with doors from several different manufacturers. Articad handles that well as the same cabinet can have doors from several different manufacturers. In Compusoft Winner at the moment I have 3 catalogues available, which are PWS, Burbidge and their own generic catalogue Design1234.
None of the other door manufacturers from the component market are available, so no TKC, Multiwood, Marpatt, Uform, Trade Mouldings etc. I was aware of this before I signed up but figured the 3 combined would be enough to cover most kitchens. The problem is that each of the 3 catalogues I do have have a completely different set of cabinets (similar configs but completely different codes) attached to them so over time I will have to navigate through 3 completely different sets of cabinet product codes depending on which door I choose. I have the option of creating my own custom catalogue and that may overcome the problem but I've got a feeling that it will be limited to the doors from the catalogue it is based on and will still not have interchangeable doors between different door manufacturers. I can change catalogues part way through a design but it creates an alternative design with different cabinet product codes rather than updating the current design. I'm going to ring support tomorrow and find out what can be done. I was aware that I was going to be limited to 3 catalogues as most of the others are permission based dependent on whether you have an account with a given manufacturer. Most of the catalogues are from manufacturers that will only deal with showrooms so they are of no use to me. On top of that the PWS catalogue was last updated on May 13th 2015 and the Burbidge one on February 12th 2013.
Also there may have bit a bit of smoke and mirrors in the way the rendering capabilities were explained to me at the show. It will certainly not be anywhere near as fast as I was lead to believe regardless of what processor is used. Vector Game For Pc Windows 8. Having used it for a while I have a far greater insight into how it was demonstrated at the show. Salon Iris 8.0.3 Keygen Activation. It is a great product from what I can see and is far more comprehensive than Articad but it may not suit how I work.
Time will tell. That could be the reason but it doesn't make sense as there are lots of units in the PWS catalogue that couldn't be made with PWS doors as the sizes don't exist. So it doesn't seem very much like a PWS specific catalogue. The Burbidge catalogue is very different from the PWS catalogue although their door matrix is virtually identical. The Compusoft Winner generic Design1234 catalogue looks very much like the original Mereway cabinets and product codes that some cabinet manufacturers still use as a basis for their cabinets today. I'm still getting my head round it at the moment but it seems a bit messy right now. The good thing is that the functionality of the program is way ahead of Articad.
That is immediately apparent. I'm not convinced by the graphics at the moment though and won't go into my possible reservations about how it was demonstrated at the show until I have had a chance to investigate further. Not sure about the dresser, I will give it a try. Background rendering is a nice feature with a management tool to be able to monitor what is going on and prioritise the queue.
I haven't used it since the weekend so can't remember anything more specific at the moment but the interface and layout is so much better organised than Articad. I am going to spend some speaking to support when I get an office day and see if I can make the catalogue system work for me. Can anyone tell me when Articad last updated their PWS doors and does their catalogue include the Mornington doors? I've had a lot more correspondence with Compusoft and they have been very helpful. All my support calls have been answered promptly by a fully qualified person. S Adobe Indesign Cs3 on this page. That's all good but unfortunately in it's current form it looks like it won't be of much use to me as someone who is in the 'component' market. They are more geared to 'complete' solutions where cabinets and doors are made by the same manufacturer.
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